Last day of induction chemo!

Hi Friends,

Today is day 7 of the 3+7 chemo! Elizabeth is getting the last bag of Cytarabine, which will be done around 5pm tomorrow.


Her energy and mood are up today from the last few days, especially with all the cookies, doughnuts, and snacks people have sent.

The week started off a little bit rough. The picc line in Elizabeth’s arm formed a clot and her whole arm swelled up. That caused a lot of pain and she ended up needing to have the picc line put in on the other arm. It has taken a few days of laying low for her to be able to use the swollen arm again, but it’s getting better today.

Chemo is going fairly smoothly and she’s working on figuring out what kind of schedule works for her. Today we went for an early-afternoon stroll and she felt pretty energized.


By the evening she’s pretty tired and all of the drugs make texting and reading slow-going. But she’s stable and keeping up as much of an appetite as possible.

As she gets further into treatment and things are a little hazier, it’ll be important for us to limit the number of people in the room at once. She’s loving seeing everyone, and the best way for her to soak in what’s happening is with only two or three people in the room at a time. When there are more visitors than that at once, we can always take turns from the visitor’s lounge 🙂  Everyone’s flexibility and understanding around visiting has been great.

Elizabeth is unbelievably grateful for all the support, books, snacks, donations, and love everyone has sent her way.  Thank you!!

All my love,




2 thoughts on “Last day of induction chemo!

  1. Hello dear Elizabeth, sending love, sunshine, and spring flowers your way. I’m so glad to receive these updates from Simone. It is good to hear that your spirits are high and to see you enjoying such succulent delights as that decadent chocolate doughnut that you are holding up before the camera. Let me know whether there is anything special – like a bit of reading – I can send your way. Now for a bit of French, because you are the expert: je pense très fort à toi et t’envoie tous mes voeux de rétablissement. Force et courage t’accompagnent tous les jours. Catherine (du département de Français à Reed)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love these sassy photos!!

    Lizzie sang “Edelweiss” for you last night (her selection!), and then we discovered my phone wasn’t recording. We’ll try for an encore performance later.

    You’re HUGE in the minds and hearts of the Corpus family.

    Liked by 1 person

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