Blog, donating, and day 3 of chemo updates

Hi Friends,

A few updates and some changes:

Elizabeth started chemo on Wednesday and is doing really well. Today was her last day of idarubisin, and she has four more days of cytarabine. None of the side effects are super strong at this point, just a little tired and slight nausea. She still has a strong appetite, which is awesome. There have been a constant flow of visitors, texts, and calls, which feels great and helps pass the time. Her blood levels are stable, which means that the internal bleeding that originally brought her into the hospital has stopped and she’s healing well. We won’t know more about the type of cancer cells (the risk level) for another week and a half (14 days after the biopsy). But so far chemo is going smoothly and no big changes to report.

So much love for Elizabeth! In terms of scheduling, this weekend is nice and full of visitors. A number of people are visiting from out of town, which is super special. She’s thrilled and can’t wait to see everyone. For planning purposes, and to simplify the logistics for Elizabeth, it would be great for people to text me this week/weekend, rather than her, to find a time to visit. In general, I think she’d like to start keeping mornings as time for herself and to meet with the doctors, and then plan visitors for the afternoon and evenings depending on how well she’s feeling. Text me anytime and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as I’ve checked in with Elizabeth. My number is 206-992-3439.

Now that chemo has started, we’re in full gown-up mode even if you’re spending the full day or night. Before entering her room, please put on a gown and a mask. The gowns are in the top drawer of the cart outside her door, and the masks are on top. There’s hand sanitizer outside the door and in her room – I’ve been going nuts with it. Masks are still needed when you’re walking around the hospital going in and out of her room. And in all situations where it’s unclear, it’s better to be cautious.

Tons of people have asked how they can help, send Elizabeth money, or donate to her medical and living costs for as long as she’s in treatment and unable to return to work. We’ve set up a GoFundMe for this, and we’re all incredibly grateful for how generous everyone’s been so far. Feel free to share it however you want.

We also set up a website so, rather than sending emails to you guys directly, I’m just going to post on that blog and anyone who wants to be updated can sign up. I know it’s not quite as personal, but go ahead and subscribe on there to get these from now on. If you’ve already subscribed then you might get this email twice.

Email or text me with any questions or suggestions with the whole fundraising thing (we’re all wanting to help Elizabeth, but new to how these things work) ❤

The website is here:
The GoFundMe page is here:

Thank you for everyone's support!

All my love,

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